1st Semester Projects

This is the webpage for GITA1. GITA 1 is a computer science course taught in the language of C#. I have made several projects this year. These are their descriptions and executables for you to download.

Home Page 2nd Semester Projects


Date: 09/14/16

This program says goodbye in various languages. This teaches outputting different text to the same label and/or picturebox

Help page

Date: 9/19/16

This program generates the company backround info for the user to find out about Inventerprise. This demonstrates the use of what the user can output to a label

Mailing Label

Date: 9/26/16

This program takes information by the user and converts it into a mailing label. This showed how to add strings to a label

Car Rental

Date: 9/29/16

This program takes the information the user enters and converts it into a bill of their rental period. This taught the basic 4 step process to calculate with numbers.


Date: 10/5/16

This program takes height and weight to display BMI. It also practices the calculations with various variables

Test Score

Date: 10/17/16

This program generates random numbers. We use random numbers in many gaming programs

Dice Program

Date: 10/24/16

The Dice Program rolls random dice and determines the probability and data from the rolls. This shows how to use random numbers and keep track of their probability

Dice Game Of Craps

Date: 10/26/16

This is the basic game of craps. The game displays knowledge of how to keep track of a global variable

Slot Machine

Date: 11/3/16

This program generates random numbers. We use random numbers in many gaming programs

T-Shirt Program

Date: 11/10/16

T-Shirt displays a basic checkout scenerio where the user can buy shirts. They are able to add on to their order and checkout when they are done. The program shows how to keep track and add onto various local and global variables

Rosebowl Program

Date: 12/5/16

The RoseBowl Program shows statitics between Stanford and North Carolina in the Sun bowl. The program shows various ways to put information on a form including listboxes and menu strips.

Fish 1

Date: 1/4/16

The fish Program is a tank where the fish randomly moves left or right to show it moving across the tank. This program introduces arrays which is a way to keep track of pictureboxes in terms of code